Friday, February 18, 2011

"Green Living Concept for The New Bride "

Recently Married or About to Get Married?.. Hmmm...

                  In addition to wedding costs, of potential mates or new bride will think of a home for their future. Houses such as whether required by the prospective bride or newly married if they want to live in a very dense urban environment. pair of candidates or those who have just become the new bride must now start thinking about the concept of "Green" as an important part of the consideration of future residence. Because the impacts of climate change should be anticipated in the future from now.
Here are simple tips house design minimalist "Green" for a new partner:
  1.  You can buy  a simple little house that enough for you both and also see the possibility of increasing the child in the near future. Do not buy a house that too big for one couple who probably  just want to have one child
  2. You can plant the trees  as much as possible in open spaces available. If there is no enough land, plant enough plants in pots. These plants can be placed in front of, behind, or even on the roof of the house. Green plants can make enough fresh air into the house every day.
  3. If you have enough  big of home yard, you can make a biopori hole. Biopori Hole is a hole in the ground.  The hole is about 100 centimeters deep and 10 centimeters wide. Biopori hole works by improving the soil structure and increasing the absorbency of the soil. This could anticipate the flood and was instrumental in the soil water cycle in your neighborhood.
  4. you can make your home opened as much as possible. That is, ventilation and windows should be wide enough for occupants during the day do not need to turn on the lights if it is inside the house. You can work around this by making the windows are large.  

            Implementation of environmentally friendly concepts in occupancy (green design) is not always costly. Simple things can be done such as traditional houses are walled woven bamboo, very environmentally friendly because it is very good air circulation

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